We hit the trifecta this week. Sadly, not the good one, but the three things that go wrong in an expensive kind of way.
Sunday, I visited Sears to get a replacement for our elderly (13 years old) dishwasher. It has been needing replaced for a while and I finally begged (whined) hard enough and Mr. K gave in.
Much to his delight, I visited Discount Tire on Monday and got 4 new tires for my ride. Never a cheap option, but this was starting to hit a little hard after the dishwasher.
The wonderful new dishwasher was installed on Thursday and it works *INCREDIBLY*! I mean, clean dishes from an appliance? Wow! I guess our old one really had outlived its useful life.
Not to be outdone, our water heater pulled a fast one on Saturday. I'm guessing it was feeling a bit put out by all the attention lavished on our kitchen appliances (the oldest one, the stove, is a mere baby at 5 years) and decided to pull out all the stops. Mr. K and our son had just visited the hobby store to see about the latest young boy obsession (remote control airplane - NOT cheap) and had come home for lunch. Upon entering our lovely abode, my nearest and dearest happened to open the door to the basement, whereupon he used some not so lovely words, prefaced by, "What the . . .?" I looked under his arm to see the beginnings of an impressive indoor pool in our non-pool climate Colorado basement.
Suffice it to say, the project involved LOTS of money, swearing (on both our parts - kids were ensconced upstairs out of hearing range [please]) and at least 6 hours of hard labor. Not to mention at least 4 trips to the local Home Depot.
Note to self: when installing a new appliance, just buy all new connectors. Nothing that worked with the old one will pretend to work with the new one and it will all need to be brought up to code anyway.
I've resigned myself to the fact that my car's new tires are probably my Christmas present. And really, I couldn't ask for a better one. After all, they are a perfect fit and they keep me and my precious family safe and mobile for the next two years. A bargain!
Here's hoping that your last few weeks were NOT as expensive as mine and infinitely more enjoyable!
Please do share your 'feel good' stories. I'm in need of some consolation here recently!
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